Elisabeth Pawelke is a research assistant in music education at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. Since 2019, she has been a lecturer at this university and had a teaching position amongst others for singing and voice training in music education.
Before that, she worked as a singing teacher at music schools in and around Munich and as a professional manager and voice trainer in the voice and speech therapy practice Dr. Iris Eicher/Sherin Dahi. There she particularly looked after singers. The long-term senior physician at the musicians' outpatient clinic and head of phoniatrics and speech therapy at the Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Prof. Dr. Simone Graf, wrote about her work:
"Due to the convincing results of her work, I am happy to refer many of our patients, especially professional singers, to her on a regular basis."
Elisabeth Pawelke also regularly gives courses and lectures on singing and vocal studies, historical harp, early music ensemble playing and medieval music theory.
Lectures and Poster presentations:
08/2023 Harp symposion in Göttingen: The harp in the Tristan manuscripts. Lecture
07/2023 Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference (MedRen) in the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities: Hartmann Schedel's songbook (BSB Cgm 810) and its significance for the transmission of early modern German-language repertoire. Poster presentation
08/2022 Pan-European Voice Conference (PEVoC) at the Estonian Academy of Music Tallinn: Functional orientation in methodology and didactics in voice pedagogy at music schools. Lecture
09/2019 Chormesse Hannover Chor.com: Vocal Health and Vocal Hygiene at Choir Singing. Lecture and und Workshop
09/2018 European Congress for Voice Teachers - Eurovox 2018, YPP at the Royal Conservatory for Music The Hague. Effects of Choir Singing on Vocal Health. Lecture
06/2018 Symposium Art in Motion 2018 – Training for Creative Excellence at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. Effects of Choir Singing on Vocal Health. Poster presentation
09/2016 11th International Stuttgart Voice Days at the State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart. In armonia favellare – Voice Ideal and Vocal Practice of the stile nuovo. Short lecture
02/2020 Pawelke, E.: Advanced training report at the event "Beautiful Voice - Beautiful Larynx?" In: BDG Intern of Vox Humana –Fachzeitschrift für Gesangspädagogik 16.1, Potsdam: BDG e. V., 11.
12/2019 Eicher, I.; Pawelke, E.: Dahi, S.; Riedl, C.: Voice as Medium of Didactics. In: Sprachförderung und Sprachtherapie in Schule und Praxis 04/2019, Dortmund: Modernes Lernen, 195–201.
02/2018 Pawelke, E. (2018): Effects of Choir Singing on Vocal Health. In: Vox Humana – Fachzeitschrift für Gesangspädagogik 14.1, Potsdam: BDG e. V., 8–9.
Vocal Advanced Training:
Master Class Baroque Singing: Dame Emma Kirkby/Forum Artium Osnabrück
Gestures for Singers: Sharon Weller/Richard Strauss Conservatoire Munich
Master Class Singing: Margreet Honig/State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart
Estill Voice Training Level One: Dr Stefanie Rummel/Institut Rummel Frankfurt
Estill Voice Training Level Two: Dorte Hyldstrup/Independant Music Centre Munich
Overtones and Formants - New Resonance Strategies in Singing Lessons: Wolfgang Saus/University of Music and Performing Arts Munich
Chants of Hildegard von Bingen: Maria Jonas/Monastery Michaelstein
The Visible Voice - Introduction into the Spectral Analysis of the Voice: Dr Donald G. Miller/Trossingen University of Music
Classical Indian Singing: Lakshmi Shankar/Academy of Music, Basle
The Estill Voice Training in Voice Therapy: Stefanie Kruse/Loguan Institute
Manual Body Therapy in the Functional-integral Voice Therapy: Sabine Gross-Jansen/State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart
Feldenkrais meets Linklater: Sylvie Polz and Markus Polz/Training Institute for Voice and Speech
Linklater Advanced Vocal Technique: Sylvie Polz/Training Institute for Voice and Speech
Presentation and Rhetoric: Materne/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität/Munich
Communication Training: Materne/Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität/Munich
Voice in Balance: Evemarie Haupt/University of Music and Performing Arts Munich
Complete Vocal Technique (CVT) in Voice Therapy: Ellen Brandtstetter/Prolog Institute
Improvisational Theatre and Drama: Anne Hubert-Roth/Drama Workshop Munich
Alexander Technique: Alexander Herrmann/Artetonal School of Music
Functional Voice Training in Singing Lessons: Michael Heptner/Studio Equilibrium
Non-violent Communication: Andreas Schmidbauer/Akademie Blickwinkel
Estill Voice Training Belting Course: Dr Stefanie Rummel/Institut Rummel Frankfurt
Dysphonia: Dr med. Karin Joussen and Dr med. Peter Hulin/Academic Singing Society Munich